Project History/ReferenceGraph

ReferenceGraph v1.0 Guide Eng

잉여씨 2019. 3. 28. 10:47


1 ReferenceGraph

ReferenceGraph visualizes the reference of the asset as a graph. You can check the dependency of reference and asset of Asset easily and quickly.


2 ReferenceGraph How to use

2.1 Asset Popup Menu


In the Project Window, select Asset, right-click to open the menu popup and select "Reference Graph".

2.2 Unity Menu


In the Project Window, select Asset, then choose Assets> Reference Graph from the Unity menu.

2.3 Shortcuts

In the Project Window, select Asset and type the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + R.

2.4 Run with Graph open

If you select Node after the ReferenceGraph Window is turned on, the asset pointed to by Node is automatically selected. You can quickly navigate to the Asset Reference by entering the hotkey Ctrl + Shift + R in that state.


3 Reference Graph is already on

Every time the Reference Graph Window is executed, ReferenceGraph checks all assets. Here are the reasons for confirming all Assets: Unity supports the API to find the dependency of the asset but does not support the API to find the reference of Asset. ReferenceGraph finds the reference of the asset using the dependency of all assets. Therefore, the Reference Graph checks the Dependency of all Assets every time you run the ReferenceGraph Window.

When ReferenceGraph is already running and you select Asset and execute ReferenceGraph, ReferenceGraph is updated based on the already scanned Dependency.

If there is no reference change of Asset, it is recommended to use with ReferenceGraph Window turned on.


4 Aync Load / Sync Load

When the ReferenceGraph Window is turned on, the ReferenceGraph caches the Dependency of all Assets when the Scan button is pressed. You can select either synchronous or asynchronous scan method.

If you select the "ReferenceGraphSetting" asset of the imported package, you can check it in the Inspector window.

Alternatively, click the Setting button in the upper right corner of the ReferenceGraph Window.


The default is True. Asynchronous.

Due to the nature of the asynchronous method, it takes more time than the synchronous method.

The advantage of the asynchronous approach is that you can see progress and halt in the middle.

If you are running for the first time, we recommend the asynchronous method to check the time it takes.

5 ReferenceGraph Window UI



5.1 Reference Limit / Dependency Limit

Sets the limit of the Depth when displaying the reference and dependency of the selected asset in Graph.

When changing the value, Node is shown as restricted. Slider is set to the maximum depth value when searching the reference of the asset.

5.2 Re Scan

Caches the dependencies of all assets and reconstructs the graph. It is the same logic that runs when the first ReferenceGraph is launched. It is recommended to execute when the Reference of Asset is changed.

5.3 Alignment

Align the position of the Node and center the Root Node. We recommend that you use the feature in the following situations:

-       When you want to initialize the position of the Node

-       You want to set the RootNode to the center of the window.

-       When you want to apply the style setting of the node


5.4 Setting

"ReferenceGraphSetting" Asset is selected.

"ReferenceGraphSetting" Asset can set various options of ReferenceGraph.

It is faster than searching in the Project Window.

5.5 Scroll


Only visible when "IsUseScrollbar" of ReferenceGraphSetting is True.

Creates scroll based on the top node and the bottom node in Graph.

In ReferenceGraph, many nodes are created vertically, so this function is provided for quick browsing of graphs.


5.6 Root Node / Node

The node that shows the asset selected when configuring the graph for the selected asset is called RootNode.

A box that points to an asset is called a Node.

There is a line between the nodes, which represents the reference / dependency between the Assets.

RootNode can not move, but other nodes can move positions.

Node shows the name of the asset, the icon or thumbnail of the asset.


5.7 The number of nodes pointing to the same asset.

There is an asset that references / Dependency to the same asset. There can be multiple nodes in Graph that point to an Asset. If there are several nodes in the graph that point to one asset, the number is displayed in the lower right corner of the Node.


5.8 Root Asset / Select Asset

Displays the path of the Asset pointed to by the RootNode and the path of the Asset pointed to by the selected Node.


5.9 Zoom

Displays the magnification of the current graph. Scaling up to 100% ~ 5% is possible.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Zooming zooms the mouse pointer to the center point.





6 Move Node location

You can move the location of the Node.


To move the position of the Node, "IsDragAble Node" in ReferenceGraphSetting must be set to True.

Select Node in Graph and drag it to move Node.

The left node of the RootNode is moved together with the position of all the reference nodes.

The nodes on the right side of the RootNode are moved together with the positions of all the nodes that depend on it.

RootNode can not be moved.

If you want to move only one node separately, press and hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to move only the position of the selected node.

7 ReferenceGraphSetting


7.1 Is Use Aync Load

< Reference > 4 Aync Load / Sync Load

7.2 Is Drag Able Node

< Reference > 6 Move Node location

7.3 Is Use Scrollbar

< Reference > 5.5 Scroll

7.4 Thumbnail Load Option

In Graph, Node shows Thumbnail of Asset. To display the thumbnail, it is necessary to load the asset, so it takes time to display the thumbnail of all the nodes.

Also, in case of non-textured asset, Thumnail shows the icon of asset, so it takes unnecessary load time.

You can set the load method of Thumbnail of Node.

-All: Load Thumbnail of all Node displayed in Graph. If the number of nodes is large, it can take a lot of time. Not recommended.

-Texture: Only the asset corresponding to the texture will load the thumbnail. For Texture, preview is supported, so you can see the corresponding texture instead of Icon.

This is the default setting. Recommended.

-Nothing: Thumbnails of all the nodes displayed in the graph are indicated by icons according to their extensions.

This is the least time consuming option.

7.4.1 Thumbnail Icon according to extension

When Thumbnail Load Option is set to Texture, Nothing, Thumbnail according to extension is displayed as Icon image. The icon image is located in the “STUDIO SSUN\ReferenceGraph\Editor\UI\Thumbnail” path. It shows the image with the same name as the extension. If there is no image with the extension of the same name, it will show the image named "default".

You can add or modify images if you like.

7.5 Node Graph Style

You can set the size and spacing of the nodes shown in Graph. To apply after setting, please execute Algnment function.

7.5.1 Node Width

Sets the width of the Node.

7.5.2 Node Height

Sets the height of the Node. The size of the Thumbnail changes accordingly. Thumbnail is not drawn if it is below schedule.

7.5.3 Node Horizontal Spacing

Sets the horizontal interval between Node and Node.

7.5.4 Node Vertical Spacing

Sets the vertical spacing between the Node and the Node.

7.6 Folder Colors

Changes the background color of the Node. Set AssetPath as a condition.

7.6.1 Folder Name

The String to be a condition. If Path contains the string, it corresponds to the condition.

An example is shown below.




7.6.2 Background Color

The color of the Node to be applied when the condition is true. If Alpha is set to 0, please note Node is not visible.

7.6.3 Text Color

The color of the name of the asset pointed to by the node to be applied when the condition is true. If Alpha is set to 0, Text is not visible.